
oxygen tent

oxygen tent (Photo credit: mark_the_legend_foster)

So, the archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, the archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols and the chief rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks, have joined forces in a campaign to prolong the sufferings of those incurably or terminally ill – by opposing a change in the law that would decriminalise those who accompany anyone who goes to Switzerland in search of help to die.
Religions answers seems to be to “pray away the pain”.
I stand on firm ground for the voluntary euthanasia, I’m not as sure on relatives telling a doctor to end a persons life.
It could easily be a form of murder and the victim might not be able to communicate his/her fears…
However, I trust science on this one, not religion.

As a man who has been sitting by the side of loved ones that has been suffering, pleading and finally dying, I can only say to any religion…

The curse of religion | AC Grayling.
Religious leader call for end to ‘legal euthanasia’ move – Telegraph.
BBC – Ethics – Euthanasia: Religion and euthanasia.
Voluntary Euthanasia Society: Factsheets – religious opinion on euthanasia.
Weighing the End of Life –
Vatican Document on Euthanasia :: Catholic News Agency.

And this is what I am talking about. A conscious decision.
Warning: This is a real person dying.