Indiana minister who preaches against homosexuality accused of soliciting gay sex

Yep, that’s his real name! 🙂

As usual, a LGBT-hater was deep in the closet.
This is getting more and more common.
Seems to me that this kind of behaviour is more rule then exception.

2 thoughts on “Indiana minister who preaches against homosexuality accused of soliciting gay sex

  1. I think hypocricy is the key trait required to be religious. Definately a must have for the clergy.

    No matter how well they portray themselves on Sunday, or anytime they are among their own, the pious game is on. Soon as they are left to their own devices, the stuff they don’t want you to know or see is allowed to run free. *

    Religion is bullshit from the bottom up, and corrupt from the top down.

    * Those who would take offense, insert your No True Scotsman Argument here.


    • Sherry picking in religion is what pisses me of the most. Sherry picking to force a world view on others, sherry picking to justify killing people and sherry picking to force rape victims to keep a fetus, sherry picking to insert hate towards any minority AND women, sherry picking to justify just about anything…

      Sometimes it’s not even sherry picking, sometimes people just haven’t read their own books and scriptures.

      In some societies, religion is a social construct that forces itself on people, creating a “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” feeling.
      That goes for all religions.
      Religious leaders sherry picking to make gullible people hate others.


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